среда, 24. јун 2009.

Chapter 9 - Direct and Indirect Communication Strategies

This chapter explains us which type of communication is appropriate for specific
situations. There are two different strategies:
1.Direct communication strategy- involves stating important points quickly, usually in the beggining of a message.
2.Indirect communication strategy- delays important points until after they have been explained.
Direct strategy should be used when the message you are delivering is likely to please your audience, or if it the message is neutral. Wheather the news is positive or neutral, the direct strategy stats the main idea of the message immidiatelly.
Dangers of the direct strategy is bluntness.Although business style uses a minimal nubmer of words for maximal effect, do not sacrifise politness and diplomacy. Minimal politeness means saying 'please' and 'thank you'.You should also give the audience the information they would like to hear like 'You will enjoy'.During this strategy you will sometimes need to offer critisism of a plan or situation and use empathy (feel somebody else's situation).
Requests for information include the request at very beggining of the message followed by a detailed explanation or its purpose.If the reader probably respond positively to your request, use direct approach.The request should be clearly stated and written in a positive undemending tone. After the request, give an explanation of its purpose or justification. This process is the adequate for this type of strategy.
Indirect strategy should be used when you have to refuse, reject, or deny a request or send a message that you believe may make your audience uncomfortable or angry.Indirect strategy allows you to explain the circumstances surrounding the negative news before delivering it. Bluntly saying 'no' or critisizing a customer, a co-worker, or employee can create hard feelings.The indirect strategy begins by offering positive or neutral information that relates to the issue or person being addressed. Be careful that the positive words you use in the beggining of the message don't offer a false sense of hope or the impression that the request will be granted, leading to a big letdown when you deliver the bad news.
Steps for writing indirect negative messages:
1.Begin message with buffer- are statemets added early in a message and include good news,points of agreement,statemets of appreciation,assurance of cooperation, and recognition of the audience's point of view.
2.Follow the buffer with the reasons for the refusal or bad news. Reasons follow buffers in a message nad include facts, policies, and reader benefits.
3.Now you can deliver bad news. Bad news should never be stated bluntly, can be implied, and should not be highlighted unless you are concearned that the audience may miss it.
4.Finish the message with a positive close that looks forward to a continuing relationship with the audience. Positive close follows the main points and reasons offered in a message to provide a goodwill statement or alternatives.
You should avoid apologies,anticipating the problems, encourage further communication, sounding unsure, sounding selfish, blame, using fillers.
Persuasive indirect messages are used when you need a favour or persuading organisations,co-workers,employees do something. This is the perfect message because if the audience understands why they should accept your proposal before they hear it, they will be more likely to do what you want.
The more detailed information and splitings can be found at the minimap.
Today and in the future, communication will be of its greatest importance.So learning how to communicate will be very usefull as well as implementing the same knowledge. Indirect and direct strategies are different types of communication that are used in different situations but also there is not some kind of always lasting theory that will be 100% accurate in every situation. People are different so you should adept your strategy to 'present strategies' plus profile of a specific person the situation is about. People are being taught during their entire lives and they still don't know everything. So just keep educating yourself and you will be able to solve and skip more future problems.
Chapter done by Tarbuk Aleksandar Leka (Number 2)

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